2020 Census Faith Toolkit
Toolkit to help faith leaders ensure everyone is counted in the census
Faith leaders are among the most trusted messengers in our communities and are positioned to play a key role in ensuring that everyone is counted in the 2020 Census.
This toolkit is designed to help faith leaders ensure that everyone is counted so that the government, the private sector, and the faith community can best appropriate their resources.
A coalition of national religious denominations and organizations, in partnership with Faith in Public Life and Shepherding the Next Generation, have come together to form the 2020 Census Faith Council. They will work together to lead public education efforts regarding the 2020 Census, advocate for a fair and accurate count, and recruit 500 Census Faith Ambassadors across the country and particularly in Hard to Count communities to be community leaders in educating their neighbors about the importance of being counted in the 2020 Census.
The toolkit includes sections on:
- Why Become a Faith Census Ambassador?
- Who is Hard to Count?
- Get Out the Count in Your Congregation
- Talking Points on the 2020 Census
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