Navigate Maine*
  1. Overview


Retired military, business, and law enforcement leaders in Maine support evidence-based programs

Our leaders in Maine stand up for a continuum of research-based programs that help youth become citizen-ready adults, primarily focused on early education and healthy lifestyles. Maine's law enforcement leaders support programs that help keep kids and communities safe and reduce later crime; our business leaders understand that there is a return on investment from early childhood education; and retired military leaders know high-quality preschool and school nutrition are the cornerstones of a strong and secure nation.


July 31, 2024

Statement on the Closing of Council for a Strong America

After nearly 30 years of advocating for public investments and policies that help improve the lives and opportunities of all children in America, Council for a Strong America (CSA) will dissolve as a national organization on September 30, 2024

Release | Announcement

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Early Childhood Programs’ Scarcity Undermines Maine's Rural Communities

Leaders from across the state share the impact of early learning programs in rural areas

Featured Members

  1. Dana F. Connors

    President, Maine State Chamber of Commerce

  2. Mike Field

    Chief of Police, Bath (ME)

Explore all the organizations of Council for a Strong America