1. Overview


Fighting for investments that make a difference in Oregon

In recent years, Oregon has been creating a strong early childhood system. Our law enforcement, business, and retired military leaders are crucial voices in the fight for evidence-based programs that start in the prenatal period and span through high school graduation. By increasing the quality of home visiting services and pre-K, integrating deeper learning into classrooms, and improving career and technical education options, Oregon will strengthen its communities and economy.


July 31, 2024

Statement on the Closing of Council for a Strong America

After nearly 30 years of advocating for public investments and policies that help improve the lives and opportunities of all children in America, Council for a Strong America (CSA) will dissolve as a national organization on September 30, 2024

Release | Announcement

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Our Members in Oregon

  1. Kenneth Thrasher

    Chairman of the Board & former CEO of Compli; former CEO & President of Fred Meyer, Inc.

  2. Walt Beglau

    District Attorney, Marion County District Attorney’s Office

  3. Michael Harper

    Former NBA player, Portland Trailblazers

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