Report | November 1, 2016

High-Quality Preschool in Washington State (ECEAP)

Here are three ways policymakers can bolster Washington's Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program

High-quality early education can help ensure that more children are prepared in mind, body and character to succeed in life. Our national security depends on a well-educated next generation that is prepared to tackle the problems of the future.

This report discusses three ways Washington policymakers can bolster the state’s preschool program, the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP), and strengthen future military readiness:

  1. Invest in quality
  2. Serve more children
  3. Create more learning spaces

Washington’s ECEAP is improving school readiness among participating low-income three- and four-year-olds in the state. After one year in ECEAP (from fall 2014 to spring 2015), twice as many children achieved a kindergarten-ready score in literacy, and three times as many passed in early math. According to an analysis by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy, gains from ECEAP persist in elementary school.

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