Blog | June 14, 2017

Happy 242nd Birthday to the United States Army

With deep gratitude, the Mission: Readiness team wishes a Happy Birthday to the United States Army

The Second Continental Congress voted to create an army that would fight on behalf of the entirety of the thirteen colonies on this date in 1775. More than a year before the colonies would declare themselves a united, independent country, the first uniquely American institution was born: the eventual United States Army.

For nearly two and a half centuries, the U.S. Army has stood strong at home and abroad to protect our country’s freedom and ideals. From Saratoga to Saigon and Bull Run to Baghdad, soldiers have fought to earn, champion, and defend the American way of life.

Speaking at an 1889 memorial dedication at Gettysburg, legendary Union Army Brigadier General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain declared, “A great and free country is not merely defense and protection. For every earnest spirit, it is opportunity and inspiration….the greatness as well as the power of a country broadens every life and blesses every home.”

Mission: Readiness believes that every child should enter adulthood ready to maximize his or her potential in our Nation that offers the full opportunities and promise of which General Chamberlain spoke. All Americans should depart adolescence citizen-ready and prepared to govern their lives in a way consistent with the universally applicable Core Values of the Army: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.

With deep gratitude, the Mission: Readiness team wishes a Happy Birthday to the United States Army. May every American seek to contribute, in their own way, to a country that continues to “broaden every life and bless every home.”