Maine law enforcement leaders visit early learning programs with lawmakers
Recently Maine Fight Crime: Invest in Kids members joined their state policymakers for a hands on look at early learning programs.
Washington County Sheriff Barry Curtis and State Senator Joyce Maker visited the Calais Elementary School/Head Start PreK collaborative program. They also toured the Head Start child care program at the Washington County Community College, which cares for children from 6 weeks old to age 5 in an infant/toddler class, and 3-5- year olds in a preschool classroom. This program also serves as a learning laboratory for Community College students studying early education.
Presque Isle Chief of Police Matt Irwin and the Aroostook County Sheriff’s Department’s Chief Deputy Shawn Gillen joined State Representative Harold “Trey” Stewart for a tour of the Aroostook Community Action Program’s Head Start classroom operated within the Presque Isle Regional Career and Technical Center’s Early Childhood Education program. The center not only serves the needs of high-quality early learning for young children, but also serves as a learning laboratory for students interested in pursuing early childhood as a career. CTE students who have worked in this learning facility have gone on to study early childhood education and graduate from the Northern Maine Community College and either matriculate on to a 4-year college program or enter the early care and education workforce.
Washington County Sheriff Barry Curtis and State Senator Joyce Maker read a book to preschoolers at the Calais Elementary School.
During a recent visit, Sheriff Barry Curtis and a young girl at the Washington County Community College’s Head Start child care program play a game with his hat.
Shawn Cunningham from WAGM-TV News interviews Presque Isle Chief of Police Matt Irwin about the importance of high quality early learning.
Presque Isle Chief Matt Irwin, Aroostook County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Shawn Gillen and State Representative Harold “Trey” Stewart III read a book to students at the Aroostook Community Action Program’s Head Start classroom.
Aroostook County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Shawn Gillen and Presque Isle Chief Matt Irwin listen to a high school student enrolled in the Presque Isle Career and Technical Center’s early childhood education program where she gets to practice her learning by working with preschool students in the Head Start classroom there.
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