Mission: Readiness Ohio Honors Lawmakers with the National Security Leadership Award
Long-time advocates of early childhood programs help preserve our national security
This week, Mission: Readiness Ohio honored 35 key members of the Ohio legislature, including,Ohio Senate President Larry Obhof (R-Medina), and Senators Matt Huffman (R-Lima), Nathan Manning (R-Lorian) and Representative Steve Hambley (R- Brunswick) with the National Security Leadership Award for their support of investments in early childhood care and education in this year’s state budget. As long-time champions for early childhood programs, the legislators were deserving recipients for the award. Their advocacy for infant-and-toddler programs will set Ohio’s youngest citizens on the path towards success.
“I am honored to receive this award and I am proud of our work in the budget to support early childhood care and education,” Sen. Manning said while receiving the award. “It is critically important that we continue to create opportunities for Ohio’s young people.”
“As a retired educator, I have always believed that our investments in education should not only serve the best interests of the student, but also the best interests of the community and our nation,” Rep. Hambley added. “I am gratified for the recognition of supporting these investments, as well as thankful for the work of Mission: Readiness Ohio.”
Mission: Readiness members from across the state attended the event to applaud the Ohio legislators’ leadership in the child care sector. The retired admirals and generals of Mission: Readiness have a deep understanding of the importance of early childhood education because of its long-term impact on our national security.
Early childhood education is important for healthy brain development and kindergarten preparedness, both of which can lead to better academic performance and less behavioral issues later in life. That research-proven reality is meaningful to the foundational strength of America’s national security.
“Fewer than 30 percent of young adults qualify for the military,“ said Mission: Readiness member Major General (Ret.) Paul J. Sullivan. "This is a national security challenge.” With approximately 71 percent of young adults ineligible for the military due to fitness, education or legal qualifications, investments in child care are an excellent way to prepare kids for success while increasing our long-term military readiness.
High-quality child care programs that are focused on infants and toddlers, as well as pre-school, can help improve life outcomes for young people and prepare them for military service or whatever career field they choose.
Mission: Readiness Ohio thanks the entire Ohio legislature for addressing this threat to our national security with historic investments in critical early childhood programs. Ohio children will benefit from these investments for years to come.
Photo caption: At top, Mission: Readiness members Brigadier General Charles O. Dillard (Ret.) and Major General Paul J. Sullivan (Ret.) presented Senator Matt Huffman with the “National Security Leadership Award” at the Ohio Statehouse.
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