Report | September 1, 2012

Still Too Fat to Fight

America's lack of physical fitness is a barrier to military service. That's why retired generals and admirals want to improve children’s health now.

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In Mission: Readiness’ first report, Too Fat to Fight, published in 2010, data shows that more than 70% of young adults in America would not qualify for military service—many due to obesity and a lack of physical fitness. Two years later, America’s obesity problem has worsened, and military leaders have grown more concerned about tomorrow’s potential recruits.

This report, Still Too Fat to Fight, states that more opportunities for children to engage in physical activity is critical, regardless of what career path young people may ultimately choose later in life. This report details three ways that state and federal policymakers can strengthen the next generation:

  • Build physical activity back into communities

  • Build physical activity into the school day

  • Maintain healthy school meal standards


  1. National