Letter from Fight Crime: Invest in Kids California Executive Committee Supporting Early Care & Education Bill
Fight Crime: Invest in Kids California Executive Committee sends a letter to the California Governor urging him to sign AB 865 (Child Care Services Alternative Payment Programs) into Law
On behalf of more than 300 chiefs of police, sheriffs, district attorneys, and victim advocates in California, we urge Governor Gavin Newsom to sign into law AB 865 (Quirk-Silva). We know from years of crime-fighting experience and rigorous research that in order to safeguard our communities, we need to take steps to prevent kids from ever becoming involved in crime in the first place.
One way to keep our communities safe is investing in child care. During the pandemic, child care providers have proven to be a vital segment of the workforce—-both to ensure families can return to work knowing their children are safe, as well as providing our children with the social and emotional supports necessary to prepare them for school and life.
AB 865 would allow family child care providers and centers to be reimbursed based on a family’s maximum certified hours of need and not based on attendance.
The child care industry is a vital backbone to California’s economy and community safety. Since the pandemic, an estimated 5,500 family child care homes and 9,200 child care centers have closed in California. This bill would lessen the financial hardships imposed on California’s family child care providers by allowing them to more accurately plan and budget to stay open for business.
We thank Governor Newsom for the huge investments already made for California’s kids and families this year, and we look forward to working closely with him to ensure that we can continue to support California’s communities with the policies and investments they deserve.
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