Barry Ford

Dear Friends,

It is at this time of year that many of us begin to take stock of the passing year, perhaps pledging to make changes, or better commit to our best selves. It is at this reflective time of year that I will urge you to commit—as never before—to our nation’s children through Council for a Strong America’s year-end campaign. The theme of our 2021 year-end campaign is #StrongKidsStrongNation. That theme is reflective of our values here at Council for a Strong America, but it is also a reminder that our kids need, and deserve, our unified support. That support is what strengthens our nation.

If you have not already done so, please visit the landing page for #StrongKidsStrongNation. There, you will find stories about our members, and we hope that each of them will virtually come alive as you read. Our members’ commitment to the strength of our nation, and its children, is the reason we are here.

This holiday season, as you reflect on the year behind, and the promise ahead, please consider Council for a Strong America in your year-end planning. Your support helps us change young lives—now, and for generations to come, contributing to the strength of the nation.

A very happy holiday to you, and yours.
Barry Ford


  1. National