Jack Brennan: Why Social-Emotional Skills Matter to My Business
Chairman Emeritus, Former CEO and Senior Advisor, Vanguard
I’ll tell you why social-emotional skills matter to my business. Above all else, successful financial professionals must have a genuine sense of empathy that enables them to understand each client’s individual needs and goals. They must also work will with all of the other people who are instrumental to meeting these goals. In fact, at Vanguard, as a company we succeed not with “rock stars” but with people who work well in a team.
As a company, we succeed not with ‘rock stars,’ but with people who work well in a team.
We can’t instantly instill empathy, resilience, and the ability to work on a team among everyone who comes to work for us. These qualities are shaped by quality educational experiences early in life—and they’re absolutely vital to the kind of workforce that will lead our company and our nation forward.
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