Fight Crime: Invest in Kids' Members in Action in 2018
Police chiefs, sheriffs, and prosecutors take action across the country to strengthen communities and reduce crime
In just the first few months into 2018, Fight Crime: Invest in Kids members have been actively advocating for programs and policies that support public safety through investments in youth. From meeting with policymakers to reading to pre-k students, here’s what our members have been up to.
Canton Police Chief Otha Brown and Hattiesburg Chief Anthony Parker read to pre-k students during tours of the state’s early learning collaboratives which have been ranked in the top 10 pre-k programs in the country. The chiefs called on state lawmakers to increase investment in high quality early learning so that more kids can access these premiere programs. As of early April, the Mississippi state legislature was expected to increase the budget for pre-k programs by $2.5 million.

Brentwood Police Chief Jeff Hughes spoke with ReadyNation member and CEO Larry Jensen, Mission: Readiness member General (Ret.) Thomas Swain, and Rep. Mark White (R-Memphis) at a press event in the State Capitol.
Chief Hughes, Mr. Jensen and General Swain also met with lawmakers and urged them to increase investments in high-quality pre-k to see positive gains in public safety, national security, and the future workforce.
Tom Green County Sheriff David Jones spent a morning reading to pre-k students at Alta Loma Elementary school. Following the morning, Sheriff Jones told press he hopes the Texas state legislature will prioritize investments in high-quality early learning programs.
Meanwhile, Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo joined Council for a Strong America for a SXSW EDU panel about the importance of pre-k. Sitting alongside former NBA player Michael Harper and Vice Admiral (Ret.) Nancy Brown, Chief Acevedo said, “I believe in the welfare of children, and I believe that by investing in kids we wind up securing our economic future, our safety and security, and our national security as well.”
Presque Isle Chief Matt Irwin and Aroostook County Deputy Sheriff Shawn Gillen collaborated with their local state representative, Rep. Harold (Trey) Stewart III, to participate in a press event about the public safety benefits of high-quality early learning programs. The law enforcement leaders delivered remarks after they participated in story time with the preschool students at the Presque Isle Regional Career and Technical Center’s Child Care Program. Chief Irwin and Sheriff Gillen read “Officer Buckle and Gloria” to the kids.
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