Report | July 16, 2018

High-Quality Child Care Bolsters the Colorado Workforce

A skilled, productive workforce is essential for a strong Colorado economy. High-quality, affordable child care supports a productive workforce, both today and tomorrow

A skilled, productive workforce is essential for a strong Colorado economy. High-quality, affordable child care supports a productive workforce, both today and tomorrow.

In Colorado, 244,000 children under the age of six (63 percent) have parents or a single parent who works outside the home. Many of these children are in child care and much of it is not high-quality care. Child care supports the current workforce, by providing care for children while parents work, and also helps build the future workforce, by supporting children’s development during critical years of early childhood. Without improvements to the child care system, our nation will not have the workforce we need to be able to compete and succeed in the global marketplace.

Quality early childhood education makes kids more successful. We will all benefit from that success for decades to come. Today’s kids are tomorrow’s engineers, teachers and business leaders.

Burnie Zercher, Chairman, Industrial Constructors / Manager

The business leaders of ReadyNation Colorado call on federal, state and local policymakers to strengthen  families’ access to affordable, high-quality child care.

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