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Showing 81 - 100 of 1447 Items
Our state’s industries need child care reform to succeed
Congressional appropriations process now underway is crucial for our children
Creating the 21st-century economy
Letter to the Editor
Smart Start initiative in Illinois can help put children on the right track
Hennepin County Sheriff joins law enforcement group to help keep kids away from crime
Media Coverage
Record Bipartisan Congressional Support for Early Childhood Programs
Release | Announcement
Early child care funding is an investment in public safety
Best crime-fighting tool? Quality child care
Florida legislators: Do right and invest in early childhood education
The new Wisconsin family? 1.7 kids, no picket fence and child care costs more than college
Addressing Pennsylvania’s Child-Care Crisis
Challenges in early childhood education
Your turn: Invest in child care, for today's economy and tomorrow's
We have a child care crisis in Florida
Chief Jason Moen: Supporting pre-K expansion and Maine’s child care workforce are important community safety measures
The rising cost of America’s inaction on child care
High child care costs lead more parents to stay home
COVID pandemic worsened child care crisis in Pennsylvania
Career and technical education is the way forward for Maine young people
Invest in children: Pritzker plan expands mental health care; groups tout early education
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