The Sky is the Limit in Montana
Investing in kids now can prevent crime in the future
The law enforcement leaders of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Montana know that one of the most effective ways to prevent crime is to provide young people with a foundation for success from their earliest years. From birth through high school, children need strong parents and effective programs and supports to grow up to be successful, productive members of society. The approaches here, based on research about what really works, can set children on the right path and make our communities safer in the long run.
The report highlights four evidence-based methods that give state and local policymakers a roadmap to help prevent crime:
- Make high-quality early care and early education available to kids from birth to age five.
- Offer voluntary parent coaching to low-income parents of young children through home visiting programs.
- Provide effective school day and afterschool programs to help keep kids on track.
- Help kids who have had contact or are at risk of having contact with the juvenile justice system by providing them and their parents effective interventions.
Helping kids get the right start in life will save money, build a stronger Montana, and protect our communities in the long run.
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