Effective School Discipline Can Cut Crime in Oregon
Classmates, Not Cellmates
Oregon schools issued over 88,000 suspensions during the 20112012 school year. A large number of those were for relatively minor, nonviolent, non-drug-related incidents: nearly half of all out-of-school suspensions in Multnomah County, for example. While the transgressions were often minor, the risks for those suspended were not. Research shows that students in trouble who are suspended or expelled are 3 times more likely to become involved in the juvenile justice system than similar students who did not face suspensions or expulsions.
This report highlights 5 strategies that schools can use to help students with challenging behavior before they come into contact with the principal or law enforcement. These approaches can help reduce suspensions and expulsions (and the number of students out on the streets) while ensuring that schools are safe and supporting improved learning outcomes.
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