Helping U.S. Kids Win the Academic Medal Race
New report: High-quality early education can help American children compete
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Making high-quality early education available to disadvantaged children is paramount for America’s future generations to win and prosper. The members of Champions for America’s Future are not only accomplished athletes and coaches, but proud Americans. At the 2012 Olympics, Team USA finished atop the medal table. Unfortunately, the same prowess does not hold true in academics as it does in athletics. Internationally, America’s children rank just 35th in math.

How can little kids succeed if they start the race already 10 steps behind?
April Holmes, Paralympic Gold Medalist, Track and Field
The members of Champions for America’s Future—many of whom are parents as well—want to see all children in America achieve their full potential on and off the field, and become champions in life. Unfortunately, for many disadvantaged children, the training they need to reach the starting line isn’t available, and too many kids start kindergarten already behind in critical skills.
This report shows that high-quality preschool can provide the pre-math, pre-reading and important social-emotional skills needed for more American children to reach their full potential in life.
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