Early Childhood Education Coalition Releases Recommendations for Next Maine Governor
Maine Polling Shows Strong Support for Candidates that Back Early Ed and Prominent Mainers Urge Investment in Kids
More adequate programs for early child care and education is a hot button topic in Maine as our members of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, Mission: Readiness, and ReadyNation speak of its importance in Maine as leading members of the Right From The Start Coalition.
High quality early education is good for Maine’s businesses and economy.
ReadyNation member Chris Emmons, CEO of Gorham Savings Bank
ReadyNation member Chris Emmons states, “Better early childhood programs lead to higher graduation rates and higher employment rates, so it’s time for Maine to start putting significant resources into early childhood education.”

In a recent poll from Critical Insights, Inc., 3 of 4 voters support the idea of helping parents with the cost of child care and preschool and 2 of 3 Mainers favor governmental candidates who support child care and preschool. Legislators should take note that Mainers are serious about supporting families and early childhood education. Even more importantly, Mainers want this support to come from state programs. 78% of those surveyed support increased funding for low/middle-income child care so parents can work or attend school, prompting elected officials to take more action.
Quality early education has clear long-lasting crime prevention benefits.
Fight Crime: Invest in Kids member Troy Morton, Penobscot County Sheriff
Fight Crime: Invest in Kids member Penobscot County Sheriff Troy Morton explains, "Studies show that kids who do not participate in quality early childhood education programs are much more likely to commit a crime by age 18 and are more likely than their peers to serve time in jail as a young adult. We need to invest in our kids.”
Not only do our dedicated members celebrate the great work done by high-quality early education and care providers across Maine, they also serve diligently as active partners of the Right From The Start Coalition, a coalition of community leaders, early educators, and advocates who work to increase the quality of and access to early childhood education in Maine.
Pictured at top: ReadyNation member Ed Cervone, Mission: Readiness member Major General Bill Libby, Fight Crime: Invest In Kids member Penobscot County Sheriff Troy Morton, and Maine Children’s Caucus Co-Chairs Sen. Rebecca Millett and Rep. Matt Pouliot in 2017.
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