Our Impact
Strengthening families through policies and programs
Strengthening communities and families across the country
Shepherding the Next Generation’s more than 800 faith leaders present bipartisan, research-based solutions to supporting strong families:
In 2014, Shepherding the Next Generation helped win the renewal of the federal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program, through numerous meetings with policymakers and a letter to Congress that was signed by 150 faith leaders. As a result of the program, 150,000 families a year receive vital parent coaching that reduces child abuse and neglect.
Shepherding the Next Generation contributed to the opportunity of early education for millions of children. In 2014 and 2015, our members protected and expanded state and federal resources for early childhood programs, with victories in Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee. In Michigan, that funding enabled 10,000 additional children to enroll.