Blog | November 30, 2021

A Personal Stake in the Fight for Early Childhood Education & Afterschool Programs

From The Head Start Program to Frontline Leadership and Service

Hazel Crest (IL) Police Chief Mitchell Davis has a very personal stake in early childhood education and child care. As a member of the Fight Crime: Invest in Kids National Leadership Council at Council for a Strong America, he often credits federal early childhood programs with helping to provide him with a strong start in life.

Quote by Chief Mitchell Davis

Resolving to Fight the Good Fight for Kids

Chief Davis’ commitment to the cause of young children extends to his service as President of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP), where he has helped maintain its strong and long-standing partnership with Fight Crime: Invest in Kids and Council for a Strong America. At an August 2021 ILACP meeting, Chief Davis took the lead in passing a resolution honoring the 25th anniversary of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids. It underscored the significance of goals shared by all of us at Council for a Strong America, including thousands of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids members who help to safeguard communities across the country: bolstering state and federal investments in child care, preschool, key birth-to-3 services and afterschool programs.

Chief Mitchell Davis

Looking Towards the Future

Without a decades-long partnership between the ILACP and Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, these victories would not be possible. These close, long-term collaborations have helped improve the lives of countless children throughout Illinois and the nation. Here’s to 25 more years, Chief Davis. Like you, and like the ILACP, we are resolved to continue the good fight for children. We do this because, like you, we know that today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders — including tomorrow’s police chiefs.

ILACP meeting