Highlights from SXSW EDU 2018
Some of the key moments from Council for a Strong America's 2018 SXSWedu panel
Council for a Strong America’s panel at South by Southwest edu (SXSW EDU), which included Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo, Vice Admiral (Ret.) Nancy Brown, and business leader and former NBA player Michael Harper, discussed a wide range of topics that all connected quality early childhood programs to the strength of our nation. Here are a selection of highlights from the SXSW EDU conversation.
David Kass: Are Your State’s Children Citizen-Ready?
Vice Admiral (Ret.) Nancy Brown: Preparing Young People to Be Productive Citizens Is Crucial
Michael Harper: There’s No Substitute for Postsecondary Education
Chief Art Acevedo: Educators Play a Critical Role in the Lives of Students
Brain Science Helps Explain Why Early Childhood Programs Can Have Such a Major Impact
Social-Emotional Learning and Emotional Intelligence Can Be Difference-Makers
The Military’s Early Childhood Programs are a Model for Success
Investments in Education Lay the Foundation for Economic Strength, Public Safety, and National Security
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