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CEO Task Force on Early Childhood

Business champions for children

ReadyNation CEO Task Force on Early Childhood

The CEO Task Force on Early Childhood is a special, invitation-only body of the general ReadyNation network. The Task Force counts on more than 75 current and former business leaders who understand and acknowledge the importance of early childhood as a critical business issue that impacts both workforce development and the economy. These individual executives represent cross-sector companies from around the country, ranging from regionally significant to Fortune 500 entities.

These champions for early childhood maintain a strong commitment to the topic at the individual and/or company levels and work to help move the needle on state and federal policy that impact the full range of early childhood issues. The Task Force membership body remains private and unpublished, but the Task Force Co-Chairs are listed below.


  1. Jack McBride

    Board Member, Council for a Strong America; Contec Inc., Founder and CEO

  2. Maxine Clark

    Founder and former CEO, Build-A-Bear Workshop

  3. Hugh Welsh

    President, DSM Firmenich North America

Task Force Member Activity

On this page you’ll find links to a sampling of materials related to ReadyNation CEO Task Force on Early Childhood recent activity.


LETTER TO CONGRESS: Invest in Child Care (6/4/24) ReadyNation CEO Task Force on Early Childhood members signed a letter to Congress advocating for robust support for critical programs that support child care across the country.

LETTER TO CONGRESS: Restore Enhanced Child Tax Credit (3/16/22) Co-chairs of the ReadyNation CEO Task Force on Early Childhood sent a letter to federal lawmakers urging Congress to restore the enhanced CTC and sustain the child care sector.

LETTER TO CONGRESS: Build Back Better Early Childhood Provisions (12/15/21) Co-chairs of the ReadyNation CEO Task Force on Early Childhood sent a letter to key senators in support of the historic provisions for the early childhood sector included in BBB

LETTER TO CONGRESS: Invest in Child Care (9/22/21) Members of the ReadyNation CEO Task Force on Early Childhood urge Congress to consider increased investments in the child care sector to aid in America’s economic recovery.

LETTER TO CONGRESS: Sustain the Child Care Sector in the Face of COVID-19 (5/27/20) Members of the ReadyNation CEO Task Force on Early Childhood members call upon Congress to maintain and strengthen the child care sector.


RELEASE: Public Statement on Support for Child Care Funding in Pandemic Relief Bill (12/7/20)

RELEASE: ReadyNation CEO Task Force Statement on HEALS Act (7/29/20)

Contact Us

For more information, contact Nancy Fishman, ReadyNation National Director, via email